What will you wear new year's eve?

What will you wear new year's eve?

A new year is on the horizon, bringing new wishes and desires to fulfil. I like to list out all my new aspirations, and this year in particular, with the launch of  Stoles by Bella, my hands are full of things to do, to get going, and to create. On top of my list, there is a desire to enter the new year with the proper colour, and I have chosen Oro Vaticano. The richness of the colour will mark the entrance into a new year that I hope will bring me abundance in whatever I try to do. Yes! I will be wearing Oro Vaticano as a stole on my shoulder even if I sit on my couch at home because what is important is to enter the new year with the proper mindset, not the location. Everything can happen if you are ready to embrace it. Where ever you will be.
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