Foto Valerio Gudelmoni e Rebmacos - Nebbie di Venezia

The lightweight bamboo stoles

Our 100% bamboo fiber stoles weigh less than 100gr.! but are full of cour and Italian lifestyle class. Bamboo is a fiber that is 1. natural, anti-bacterial, 2. environmentally friendly, 3. sweat absorption, 4. soft, 5. lustre, 6. Refracting UV light, 7. strength, and it can be dyed in fantastic colours that will always make you feel in fashion with the seasonal colours trends and by Bella colouring names will always make you feel as if you are vacationing in Italy. The stole in the picture is Nebbie di Venezia due to the shades of grey resembling Venetian fogs. I wanted to thanks for the photo #ValerioGudelmoni and artmodel #rebmacos for the pictures. Denise
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